
Christkinder: Group 1 (pre-school to 2nd grade)
2nd grade) Monday 15:45-16:45 Parish hall 1st floor Christies: Group 1 (3rd-4th grade) Tuesday 16:00-17:00 Parish hall 1st floor Group 2 (5th-6th grade) Monday 17:00-18:15 Parish hall 1st floor Contact: Vivian Osemwegie 0176 85965009 Your parents or grandparents may still know the Christies as the Christenlehre.
Every week, the group gathered together and experienced an hour of religious instruction, similar to school.
This is very different with us today.
We want to get to know God and Jesus, with lots of fun and games, some singing, exciting stories and space for our own worries and needs.
Every Monday, the primary school children meet in two groups in and around the parish hall.
You are welcome to join us at any time.
If you have any questions, please contact Vivian Osemwegie.

Realm of ideas

We call ourselves the IdeenReich because we always have new, crazy and sometimes crazy ideas that we want to put into practice.
When we’re not thinking up new projects to get lots of children from the community together, we play games we’ve thought up ourselves or experiment in the kitchen.
Our group is open to all children between
5th to 9th grade.
We meet every 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month from 16:30 to 18:00 in the Haus der Familie.
As you may have noticed, the program always alternates with Café 12, so you are never in the wrong place.
If you fancy a visit to the Jump House or movie nights, sleepovers, devotions or playing werewolf, you’ve come to the right place.
You don’t need to register.
If you have any questions, please get in touch with Vivian Osemwegie, our community educator: 0176 85965009,  

Boys’ circle – The History BoysEvery Monday and Tuesday from 5 p.m. in the youth cellar of the parish hall

Activities for boys (8-12 years) (activity days, excursions and group lessons)
For boys aged 8 to 12, there is time on Monday or Tuesday to let off steam in the community.
Over the next two years, we will focus on researching the history of Pankow, especially in the area around the Friedenskirche.
We will explore the streets, parks and squares in the neighborhood and get to know people and buildings better.
Tablets, our group smartphone and multimedia applications will also be used.
The group sessions, which always start at 5 p.m. and end after 90 minutes, are supplemented by activity days and overnight stays with a special focus!
Games, fun, cookie eating and adventure will not be neglected in the future…
Contact: Jan-Vincent Barentin

Café 12Every 1st and 3rd Thursday 16.30-18.00 in the Haus der Familie

Offers for students in their 13th year before the Confirmation period (excursions and group lessons) Café12 is a regular meeting place for students in grades
6th and
7th grade, for everyone in and around the age of 13.
Everyone who meets here is about to start their ConfiZEIT.
Café 12 offers a safe space to spend time together.
You can bring your friends and meet up with people your own age.
There is time to cook, eat, play and talk about God and the world.
We can talk about our faith, but the main focus is on topics that interest you.
Three times a year we meet for special highlights, where we get together with peers from the Pankow region and do an activity.
We experience Reformation Day interactively in the Martin Luther parish.
We meet every first and third Thursday of the month (except during the vacations) from 4.30 – 6.00 pm. This alternates with the Project Makers (2nd and 4th Thursday of the month).
This way you can take part in both activities if you are interested and have a fixed weekly date in your calendar. We meet at the Haus der Familie at Marthastrasse 12 and go to Brosepark or Schlosspark if the weather is good.

Do I have to register? No, you can come along and join in.
If you or your parents have any questions, please send an e-mail to: Contact: Jan-Vincent Barentin

Children’s service

Sunday 11.00 a.m. in the church (and then in the parish hall) The service for children is offered parallel to the service for adults.
It starts together in the church.
After a joint welcome and opening, the children move into the parish hall with a light.
Here they sing, listen to a Bible story and do creative crafts.
The children’s service takes a break during the summer vacation.
Contact: via the church office and via: Vivian Osemwegie 49 85 27 83 kinder-und-familien@friedenskirche-niederschoenhausen.deChurch music activities for childrensee under church music